As I browse through the Blogger template collection, I found an interesting one. There's a template named Minima, designed by Douglas Bowman, the same person who design my previos template (Rounders). This could be the template that come closest to what I've been writing in "is it possible?". So, I've decided to give my blog a new look. Here it is. Still under many development of course, but I hope all of you can enjoy it. And as I've always said to Budi, "In minimalist design, there's almost no difference between the genious and the lazy" Ha!
UPDATE: I've also change my blog's font, from the original Georgia to Arial. Although lately I've been using Trebuchet, I find it disturbing in a long post. So I'm using the font that I used in my school-days, Arial. Back to the old days, back to the minimalist.
I am the in-between type or maybe none of the above :) or maybe I'm just the lazy genious who doesn't have much time :)
sekarang malah font-nya diubah juga ke Arial, kembali ke jaman2 kuliah, bikin skripsi. ternyata Arial memang lebih mantaph dan minimalist hehehe
Hi! Just stumbled upon your blog.
Liked your caption "do your best and God will do the rest".
Never underestimate the lazy. They're actually smart people coz they always come up with the easiest and fastest solution to do something. Lol!
Have a good day.
hihi.. saya tetep sreg sama trebuchet, tapi kan mereka sodaraan yak ? **apaaan siiihh**
perky: thx for your "support", btw you have a nice blog too.
nana: hehehe na apa kabar? gimana kerjaan? tulisannya makin produktif saya liat :) saya sebenernya tetep suka Trebuchet, tapi untuk blog ini saya lebih pilih Arial.
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